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Down Throw Blanket

7 Reasons Why You’ll Love A Down Throw Blanket

There is no better feeling than snuggling up with a cozy down blanket. This tried and proven natural insulation has been tested by time and has been found to be a better choice than made made alternatives. Here are a number of the reasons why you should have a down throw blanket.

Warm and cozy – Down is nature’s perfect insulator. Nothing beats the cozy comfort of a down filled blanket or comforter. The soft undercoat of feathers found on ducks and geese has been used for centuries as a filler in blankets, quilts and mattresses to provide extreme comfort, softness and warmth.

Lightweight – The down filling is literally as light as a feather. This gives wonderfully sublime feeling when you want to be warm but not smashed or squashed by a heavy blanket. And if you cover up with a down throw blanket when taking a quick nap, you can snuggle in it’s wonderful warmth without the weight you would feel with other quilts or blankets.

Take little space – Folded blankets are easy to keep in the linen closet. They take up very little space and are always ready when you need them. If you have extra unexpected guests, a down throw blanket laid on the couch with another to use as a cover is a quick and very comfortable bed.

No shocks or static – Down blankets will not spark with static or give you a shock like synthetic blankets. You can just snuggle in and enjoy the warm soft feeling without the static annoyance.

Quick extra warmth – If you keep a lightweight down comforter on your bed, having an extra down throw blanket in your closet is ideal for cooler nights or just when you want a little extra warmth.

Ideal for in your vehicle – Keep an extra one or two in your vehicle. It is perfect when it is nap time for children, and a folded up blanket makes a splendid pillow. And if you live in a cooler climate you’ll have it on hand in case of trouble.

Easy to keep clean – Most blankets are machine washable but you should check the manufacturer’s suggestions for cleaning. Machine washable blankets are extremely easy to care for and don’t require the extra hassle of trips to the dry cleaners.

If you’ve never had the chance to cuddle up in a down throw blanket of your own, you are missing out on one of life’s little pleasures. Down filled blankets are not expensive and are within the reach of everyone’s budget. There are now hundreds of manufacturers and retailers online where you can find down filled blankets in virtually every color and size. You can easily find the blankets that are exactly right for you. Then enjoy that first time that you tuck yourself into your new blanket. The snug, restful and sheltered feeling will put a smile on your face again and again for years to come.